all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N1 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1 6ES 0 51.52832 -0.082419
N1 6ET 0 51.528175 -0.082886
N1 6EU 1 51.527878 -0.083404
N1 6EY 3 51.527134 -0.08355
N1 6HA 2 51.526764 -0.083508
N1 6HB 7 51.527114 -0.083856
N1 6HD 8 51.527295 -0.082419
N1 6AE 0 51.52749 -0.083377
N1 6HE 0 51.527887 -0.082855
N1 6HF 1 51.530296 -0.078414
N1 6HG 2 51.52717 -0.083001
N1 6HH 1 51.530733 -0.079304
N1 6HJ 0 51.526818 -0.083477
N1 6HL 0 51.526665 -0.084031
N1 6HN 0 51.526732 -0.08485
N1 6HQ 1 51.530733 -0.079304
N1 6HR 0 51.527463 -0.085007
N1 6HS 0 51.527091 -0.084229
N1 6HT 13 51.527286 -0.084048
N1 6HW 3 51.527375 -0.082387