all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1 8DW 3 51.530551 -0.098459
N1 8DX 0 51.531482 -0.100438
N1 8DY 3 51.535706 -0.103089
N1 8DZ 0 51.535368 -0.102728
N1 8EA 21 51.534982 -0.103912
N1 8ED 12 51.535323 -0.103321
N1 8EF 9 51.534552 -0.103817
N1 8EG 17 51.534255 -0.104392
N1 8EQ 11 51.533672 -0.105021
N1 8EY 0 51.530777 -0.098579
N1 8EZ 0 51.531327 -0.098642
N1 8FP 1 51.53905 -0.103385
N1 8FT 1 51.53905 -0.103385
N1 8GH 0 51.532102 -0.098769
N1 8GJ 2 51.532102 -0.098769
N1 8HA 0 51.533252 -0.101446
N1 8HB 0 51.532996 -0.09951
N1 8HD 1 51.533207 -0.098117
N1 8HE 0 51.533242 -0.099183
N1 8HF 0 51.533487 -0.098754