all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1 8JS 2 51.533507 -0.097759
N1 8JT 5 51.534246 -0.098434
N1 8JU 1 51.534167 -0.099086
N1 8JW 0 51.534826 -0.099232
N1 8JX 3 51.532361 -0.099219
N1 8JY 0 51.532511 -0.099011
N1 8LA 1 51.530752 -0.098104
N1 8LB 0 51.532589 -0.100323
N1 8LD 0 51.533249 -0.100192
N1 8LE 1 51.534183 -0.099518
N1 8LG 0 51.532269 -0.099641
N1 8LH 0 51.531755 -0.098985
N1 8LJ 0 51.535125 -0.099941
N1 8LN 19 51.536638 -0.101048
N1 8LR 4 51.537721 -0.099619
N1 8LT 3 51.538198 -0.099236
N1 8LU 7 51.538639 -0.098713
N1 8LX 15 51.539219 -0.097881
N1 8LY 7 51.539878 -0.096774
N1 8LZ 1 51.540472 -0.095839