all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N1 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1 9AF 3 3 51.531019 -0.121983
N1 9AJ 1 1 51.531277 -0.121814
N1 9GA 2 1 51.531021 -0.121957
N1 9AW 2 2 51.53135 -0.121869
N1 9BW 1 0 51.531507 -0.122122
N1 9FB 2 0 51.533302 -0.121312
N1 9FD 3 1 51.531303 -0.121698
N1 9WW 1 1 51.53905 -0.103385
N1 9AN 0 51.533117 -0.117643
N1 9GX 0 51.531645 -0.117272
N1 9PG 1 51.532626 -0.107787
N1 9FG 0 51.531423 -0.118578
N1 9SZ 0 51.531668 -0.118121
N1 9GU 1 1 51.534997 -0.121574
N1 9TT 1 1 51.531665 -0.112888
N1 9FH 30 0 51.531697 -0.11267
N1 9FJ 1 1 51.531121 -0.122138
N1 9GB 2 51.531918 -0.121228
N1 9RZ 16 0 51.533436 -0.121264
N1 9FL 1 51.532009 -0.11805