all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N1 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1 9XH 1 1 51.532673 -0.11746
N1 9XQ 1 0 51.53905 -0.103385
N1 9XW 1 1 51.533782 -0.121509
N1 9YB 1 1 51.53905 -0.103385
N1 9ZJ 1 1 51.53905 -0.103385
N1 9ZL 1 1 51.53905 -0.103385
N1 9RG 1 51.534873 -0.117225
N1 9BZ 0 51.532313 -0.121353
N1 9LF 0 51.53123 -0.112689
N1 9HE 1 51.532709 -0.121351
N1 9DW 0 51.531603 -0.121354
N1 9JJ 5 0 51.531129 -0.119859
N1 9JR 13 0 51.531096 -0.120019
N1 9DB 22 0 51.531133 -0.121214
N1 9EA 2 0 51.532327 -0.121627
N1 9ED 10 1 51.532576 -0.121487
N1 9EJ 12 0 51.532825 -0.121837
N1 9SJ 16 0 51.533334 -0.122176
N1 9SR 6 0 51.533438 -0.121941
N1 9AE 4 4 51.530981 -0.121841