all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N1 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1 9QW 1 1 51.535332 -0.116687
N1 9QZ 1 1 51.532622 -0.115386
N1 9RA 26 0 51.534571 -0.11581
N1 9RB 9 0 51.534815 -0.120356
N1 9RD 4 4 51.534429 -0.116998
N1 9RE 37 0 51.533887 -0.118015
N1 9RF 49 0 51.535081 -0.120086
N1 9RH 18 1 51.534237 -0.119068
N1 9RJ 18 0 51.534492 -0.119274
N1 9RL 12 11 51.534813 -0.118384
N1 9RR 15 1 51.534114 -0.119837
N1 9RS 24 0 51.53389 -0.120423
N1 9RT 75 2 51.534221 -0.120323
N1 9RU 1 1 51.53905 -0.103385
N1 9RW 53 0 51.534788 -0.119795
N1 9RY 12 3 51.533647 -0.119153
N1 9SB 30 6 51.533449 -0.119666
N1 9SD 11 0 51.533423 -0.120457
N1 9SG 13 0 51.533717 -0.115773
N1 9SL 50 0 51.533717 -0.115773