all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N1 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1 9PT 11 3 51.531957 -0.111506
N1 9PW 4 0 51.53255 -0.110735
N1 9PX 26 1 51.532905 -0.111741
N1 9PY 7 0 51.533709 -0.111952
N1 9PZ 7 2 51.533499 -0.111211
N1 9QA 23 2 51.532978 -0.111204
N1 9QB 12 0 51.5331 -0.111966
N1 9QD 58 0 51.532264 -0.11269
N1 9QE 18 0 51.532036 -0.112483
N1 9QF 24 0 51.532246 -0.113801
N1 9QG 1 1 51.532953 -0.113613
N1 9QH 30 0 51.53283 -0.114887
N1 9QJ 32 0 51.53283 -0.114887
N1 9QN 5 1 51.534351 -0.116641
N1 9QP 18 0 51.534479 -0.112872
N1 9QQ 32 0 51.53283 -0.114887
N1 9QR 30 0 51.534429 -0.112543
N1 9QS 1 0 51.53905 -0.103385
N1 9QT 1 1 51.532816 -0.112194
N1 9QU 42 0 51.534367 -0.115386