all postcodes in N12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N12 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N12 8TB 13 0 51.62286 -0.179144
N12 8TD 32 0 51.621531 -0.179606
N12 8TF 15 0 51.623129 -0.179639
N12 8TG 12 0 51.617948 -0.183602
N12 8TH 7 0 51.620903 -0.179338
N12 8TJ 12 0 51.622129 -0.179506
N12 8TL 21 0 51.619134 -0.184104
N12 8TN 8 0 51.619766 -0.183746
N12 8TP 1 1 51.623009 -0.1783
N12 8TR 12 0 51.623665 -0.180586
N12 8TT 1 1 51.622233 -0.180455
N12 8TW 19 0 51.620986 -0.183495
N12 8TZ 1 1 51.612736 -0.178018
N12 8UB 5 5 51.617019 -0.177388
N12 8WG 1 0 51.616851 -0.180728
N12 8WZ 1 1 51.616851 -0.180728
N12 8XA 18 0 51.618139 -0.180045
N12 8XB 13 0 51.612863 -0.17962
N12 8XD 12 0 51.617327 -0.181229
N12 8ET 0 51.613201 -0.185973