all postcodes in N12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N12 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N12 8RZ 1 1 51.617607 -0.184602
N12 8SA 58 0 51.617915 -0.183213
N12 8SB 28 0 51.618499 -0.18319
N12 8SD 25 0 51.618082 -0.184146
N12 8SE 1 1 51.617877 -0.18544
N12 8SF 13 0 51.618367 -0.183975
N12 8SH 3 2 51.61788 -0.185414
N12 8SJ 15 0 51.618679 -0.184396
N12 8SQ 39 0 51.619631 -0.184315
N12 8SL 1 0 51.620411 -0.183562
N12 8SN 2 0 51.621403 -0.182583
N12 8SP 23 1 51.619687 -0.183074
N12 8SR 5 0 51.620377 -0.182523
N12 8SS 3 1 51.621045 -0.181864
N12 8ST 15 1 51.620648 -0.182628
N12 8SU 12 0 51.620962 -0.182572
N12 8SW 8 0 51.619543 -0.183827
N12 8SY 1 1 51.622654 -0.180124
N12 8SZ 12 0 51.620985 -0.181534
N12 8TA 1 1 51.622216 -0.18164