all postcodes in N12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N12 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N12 8EW 30 0 51.614536 -0.179896
N12 8EX 10 0 51.611708 -0.185974
N12 8EY 22 0 51.612 -0.184262
N12 8HA 25 0 51.611602 -0.184361
N12 8HB 19 0 51.611142 -0.182895
N12 8HD 13 0 51.610701 -0.182491
N12 8HE 30 0 51.612553 -0.18363
N12 8HG 42 2 51.612565 -0.182676
N12 8HJ 12 0 51.61324 -0.184213
N12 8HL 11 0 51.612923 -0.183124
N12 8HP 16 0 51.616055 -0.18271
N12 8HQ 9 0 51.613338 -0.184956
N12 8HR 12 0 51.615977 -0.183508
N12 8HS 27 0 51.616123 -0.184802
N12 8HT 18 0 51.616408 -0.18322
N12 8HU 16 0 51.616582 -0.18539
N12 8HX 26 0 51.61696 -0.184035
N12 8HY 46 0 51.616872 -0.184775
N12 8JA 11 0 51.613329 -0.186748
N12 8JB 4 0 51.613485 -0.185745