all postcodes in N12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N12 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N12 8JG 50 2 51.61673 -0.178711
N12 8JH 6 1 51.616627 -0.177877
N12 8JJ 29 1 51.616459 -0.179819
N12 8JN 8 0 51.616505 -0.180468
N12 8JP 2 2 51.615988 -0.179549
N12 8JQ 1 1 51.616851 -0.180728
N12 8JR 18 1 51.616349 -0.177325
N12 8JT 33 13 51.615859 -0.177041
N12 8JX 1 1 51.615662 -0.177092
N12 8JY 19 8 51.615231 -0.176954
N12 8LA 8 0 51.617704 -0.185273
N12 8LD 5 3 51.614602 -0.176965
N12 8LE 8 0 51.617382 -0.185402
N12 8LF 1 1 51.614431 -0.177199
N12 8LG 1 1 51.614539 -0.176968
N12 8LJ 69 7 51.614002 -0.177119
N12 8LT 11 5 51.613543 -0.177336
N12 8LL 1 1 51.614232 -0.177077
N12 8LP 8 0 51.61706 -0.18553
N12 8LR 21 0 51.621549 -0.180974