all postcodes in N12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N12 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N12 0EL 0 51.613231 -0.176688
N12 0EN 0 51.612815 -0.17673
N12 0EP 1 51.609577 -0.181124
N12 0ES 0 51.610519 -0.179844
N12 0ET 2 51.610858 -0.179321
N12 0EW 0 51.612249 -0.177359
N12 0EY 11 51.611805 -0.178117
N12 0GA 2 51.612964 -0.176294
N12 0GL 8 51.604777 -0.173384
N12 0HA 0 51.609286 -0.181511
N12 0HB 0 51.609285 -0.180846
N12 0HD 0 51.608861 -0.18099
N12 0HE 0 51.609308 -0.17908
N12 0HG 0 51.608914 -0.179168
N12 0HH 0 51.607679 -0.180719
N12 0HJ 1 51.607563 -0.181724
N12 0HL 0 51.608083 -0.182985
N12 0HN 0 51.607977 -0.182314
N12 0HP 0 51.607482 -0.179965
N12 0HQ 0 51.607622 -0.180505