all postcodes in N12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N12 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N12 0QB 39 0 51.60749 -0.16513
N12 0QD 8 0 51.608289 -0.16504
N12 0QE 34 0 51.60914 -0.164847
N12 0QF 7 1 51.607059 -0.166317
N12 0QG 4 1 51.608545 -0.161047
N12 0QH 8 2 51.6107 -0.163198
N12 0QJ 16 0 51.610736 -0.164551
N12 0QL 9 0 51.610318 -0.164814
N12 0QN 20 0 51.610616 -0.167213
N12 0QP 7 0 51.610259 -0.167964
N12 0QQ 6 0 51.60685 -0.166166
N12 0QR 24 0 51.610165 -0.169412
N12 0QS 4 0 51.609956 -0.168713
N12 0QT 17 0 51.609804 -0.168791
N12 0QU 1 1 51.609365 -0.168625
N12 0QX 5 0 51.609981 -0.167441
N12 0QY 6 1 51.609343 -0.166311
N12 0QZ 4 2 51.605853 -0.174337
N12 0RA 12 0 51.609187 -0.167271
N12 0RB 12 0 51.609026 -0.166151