all postcodes in N13 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N13 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N13 5TB 10 0 51.622929 -0.09561
N13 5TD 36 1 51.623187 -0.098792
N13 5TE 37 0 51.623231 -0.09593
N13 5TJ 6 6 51.620303 -0.10615
N13 5TL 9 0 51.620303 -0.10615
N13 5TS 6 0 51.61955 -0.106705
N13 5TT 18 10 51.619051 -0.107141
N13 5TU 36 13 51.617949 -0.108318
N13 5TW 23 20 51.619351 -0.106768
N13 5TY 1 1 51.616304 -0.107992
N13 5UB 5 5 51.617558 -0.108243
N13 5UD 6 6 51.617039 -0.108958
N13 5UE 40 5 51.61634 -0.109117
N13 5UH 1 1 51.615631 -0.107558
N13 5UJ 1 0 51.615515 -0.109083
N13 5UN 11 11 51.614117 -0.109387
N13 5UP 42 3 51.613261 -0.109462
N13 5UQ 2 0 51.616312 -0.107934
N13 5UR 5 4 51.612837 -0.108237
N13 5UU 2 2 51.612667 -0.108118