all postcodes in N13 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N13 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N13 5UW 0 51.614061 -0.109429
N13 5WG 1 51.632956 -0.099554
N13 5XD 6 51.622742 -0.10442
N13 5XG 13 51.622093 -0.105108
N13 5XL 1 51.62057 -0.105966
N13 5XQ 3 51.621336 -0.105558
N13 5XS 0 51.617067 -0.108466
N13 5XT 1 51.61756 -0.108724
N13 5XU 1 51.632956 -0.099554
N13 5ZD 0 51.632956 -0.099554
N13 5EP 0 51.619999 -0.104603
N13 5YE 1 51.632956 -0.099554
N13 5ES 2 2 51.620271 -0.105679
N13 5BF 0 51.61881 -0.099466
N13 5DQ 0 51.6151 -0.108634