all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N16 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 0PZ 16 0 51.563346 -0.082966
N16 0QA 10 1 51.563057 -0.083988
N16 0QB 8 0 51.563472 -0.084071
N16 0QD 16 0 51.56328 -0.084426
N16 0QE 16 0 51.563436 -0.083398
N16 0QF 22 0 51.563936 -0.084427
N16 0QH 14 0 51.563908 -0.083808
N16 0QJ 52 0 51.564712 -0.084553
N16 0QL 25 0 51.565234 -0.084069
N16 0QP 45 1 51.564194 -0.083132
N16 0QQ 60 2 51.566434 -0.086515
N16 0QW 70 0 51.566271 -0.085887
N16 0QS 12 0 51.563478 -0.082253
N16 0QT 43 0 51.562792 -0.081376
N16 0QU 49 0 51.564921 -0.085785
N16 0QX 1 0 51.565194 -0.084894
N16 0QY 6 1 51.566861 -0.08566
N16 0RA 2 0 51.561816 -0.080003
N16 0RB 19 0 51.561605 -0.079908
N16 0RD 15 0 51.560959 -0.079993