all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 0SX 52 0 51.559117 -0.07827
N16 0TA 7 1 51.561023 -0.083366
N16 0TB 20 0 51.560459 -0.081818
N16 0TD 14 0 51.56069 -0.082212
N16 0TH 24 0 51.561075 -0.081575
N16 0TJ 45 0 51.560492 -0.080547
N16 0TL 22 0 51.560426 -0.080924
N16 0TP 8 0 51.560323 -0.081203
N16 0TR 12 0 51.560121 -0.081543
N16 0TS 7 0 51.559629 -0.081694
N16 0TT 10 0 51.559713 -0.081315
N16 0TU 12 0 51.559967 -0.082026
N16 0TX 46 0 51.559996 -0.082674
N16 0UA 45 1 51.559169 -0.082146
N16 0UB 30 0 51.559312 -0.081534
N16 0UD 25 10 51.561941 -0.079548
N16 0UH 60 12 51.561672 -0.081106
N16 0UG 23 0 51.561361 -0.081462
N16 0UL 30 13 51.56114 -0.082784
N16 0XH 1 1 51.570085 -0.077127