all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 6HT 53 0 51.568207 -0.06357
N16 6HX 6 0 51.566425 -0.06454
N16 6JA 60 0 51.567465 -0.064366
N16 6JB 34 0 51.568427 -0.06219
N16 6JD 28 0 51.567271 -0.064057
N16 6JH 29 1 51.567823 -0.062521
N16 6JJ 65 2 51.566962 -0.062786
N16 6JL 45 0 51.567169 -0.063184
N16 6JP 20 0 51.566842 -0.062055
N16 6JT 5 0 51.566714 -0.061397
N16 6JU 41 0 51.566307 -0.061227
N16 6LA 7 0 51.567031 -0.067908
N16 6LB 38 0 51.567192 -0.06748
N16 6LD 23 1 51.567637 -0.067707
N16 6LH 10 4 51.568173 -0.066948
N16 6LJ 16 0 51.568451 -0.067441
N16 6LL 9 0 51.568629 -0.066813
N16 6LP 12 0 51.568617 -0.067174
N16 6LR 24 15 51.568577 -0.066368
N16 6LS 4 0 51.568684 -0.066713