all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N16 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 6TB 26 0 51.576284 -0.065853
N16 6TD 29 0 51.576302 -0.066387
N16 6TH 42 1 51.575591 -0.066879
N16 6TJ 93 2 51.575162 -0.069783
N16 6TL 45 0 51.575443 -0.070507
N16 6TP 44 0 51.57584 -0.067849
N16 6TR 35 0 51.57572 -0.070351
N16 6TS 45 0 51.576043 -0.068173
N16 6TT 14 7 51.573816 -0.072022
N16 6TU 28 9 51.574479 -0.07202
N16 6TW 1 1 51.574289 -0.071941
N16 6TY 21 4 51.575009 -0.071969
N16 6TZ 13 5 51.575562 -0.072093
N16 6UA 2 2 51.573978 -0.071467
N16 6UB 1 1 51.57352 -0.068366
N16 6UD 1 1 51.573458 -0.067878
N16 6UE 51 2 51.574273 -0.070398
N16 6UH 35 2 51.565265 -0.07166
N16 6UN 47 10 51.565556 -0.07116
N16 6UP 78 9 51.566079 -0.071267