all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 9BS 42 12 51.552484 -0.086757
N16 9BT 51 0 51.552294 -0.086243
N16 9BU 47 7 51.553253 -0.088251
N16 9BX 40 7 51.55421 -0.089033
N16 9DA 40 14 51.55512 -0.089731
N16 9DB 50 1 51.556421 -0.090657
N16 9DD 10 0 51.556565 -0.090666
N16 9DH 20 0 51.556674 -0.090704
N16 9DJ 5 1 51.560158 -0.092059
N16 9DL 21 8 51.557447 -0.090167
N16 9DP 22 1 51.557463 -0.08946
N16 9DR 10 0 51.557086 -0.089533
N16 9DS 10 0 51.556906 -0.09006
N16 9DT 36 0 51.556746 -0.089605
N16 9DU 16 0 51.556573 -0.090016
N16 9DX 16 0 51.556157 -0.089341
N16 9EA 24 0 51.555846 -0.089599
N16 9EB 24 0 51.555974 -0.089147
N16 9ED 16 0 51.555356 -0.089317
N16 9EH 45 7 51.554859 -0.089136