all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 9EJ 50 6 51.554166 -0.088545
N16 9ER 51 1 51.557766 -0.083806
N16 9ES 16 1 51.561043 -0.084029
N16 9ET 36 0 51.560298 -0.085186
N16 9EU 21 0 51.557538 -0.083599
N16 9EX 66 3 51.557887 -0.084609
N16 9EY 1 1 51.558025 -0.085339
N16 9EZ 9 0 51.560116 -0.085078
N16 9GN 13 1 51.553366 -0.087496
N16 9HA 20 0 51.559874 -0.085694
N16 9HB 10 0 51.559556 -0.086039
N16 9HD 14 0 51.559986 -0.085935
N16 9HH 30 0 51.559751 -0.086392
N16 9HJ 1 1 51.561199 -0.086247
N16 9HL 15 0 51.559458 -0.086635
N16 9HP 36 7 51.559256 -0.086946
N16 9HS 53 10 51.558564 -0.086947
N16 9JA 61 0 51.558602 -0.087623
N16 9JB 36 0 51.558376 -0.088137
N16 9JD 12 0 51.558006 -0.0886