all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N16 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 5DZ 66 0 51.573095 -0.08358
N16 5EA 66 0 51.572555 -0.08304
N16 5EB 66 0 51.572027 -0.082629
N16 5ED 18 4 51.570794 -0.08144
N16 5EE 23 0 51.569752 -0.080416
N16 5EF 6 0 51.569661 -0.080348
N16 5EG 18 0 51.569136 -0.080702
N16 5EH 14 0 51.573536 -0.075913
N16 5EL 12 0 51.569493 -0.081077
N16 5EN 7 0 51.569945 -0.081259
N16 5EP 12 1 51.568931 -0.085747
N16 5ER 1 1 51.568931 -0.085747
N16 5ES 25 1 51.568254 -0.08598
N16 5EU 7 0 51.568571 -0.086324
N16 5EW 42 0 51.569394 -0.083652
N16 5EX 7 0 51.568525 -0.086254
N16 5EY 7 0 51.568151 -0.085895
N16 5EZ 12 0 51.568087 -0.085825
N16 5GY 28 0 51.567575 -0.074318
N16 5GZ 15 0 51.567659 -0.07342