all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 5BU 4 0 51.567038 -0.084398
N16 5BW 23 0 51.567979 -0.079094
N16 5BX 15 0 51.567276 -0.084647
N16 5BY 6 0 51.567202 -0.085083
N16 5BZ 36 0 51.567879 -0.082501
N16 5DA 25 0 51.568795 -0.079649
N16 5DD 19 0 51.571069 -0.079033
N16 5DE 14 0 51.571 -0.080854
N16 5DF 62 0 51.571689 -0.078993
N16 5DG 60 0 51.573218 -0.078452
N16 5DH 33 2 51.573746 -0.075587
N16 5DJ 43 0 51.574252 -0.077932
N16 5DL 66 3 51.574502 -0.079971
N16 5DN 1 1 51.57132 -0.07334
N16 5DP 25 0 51.574523 -0.082943
N16 5DS 85 1 51.572889 -0.082521
N16 5DT 8 0 51.571867 -0.081612
N16 5DU 27 3 51.571282 -0.081044
N16 5DX 35 0 51.574462 -0.084129
N16 5DY 4 0 51.573834 -0.083679