all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N16 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 5NE 26 1 51.56844 -0.08431
N16 5NF 21 0 51.56826 -0.08488
N16 5NG 3 0 51.567684 -0.084284
N16 5NH 17 4 51.568387 -0.081643
N16 5NJ 10 0 51.567519 -0.084074
N16 5NL 7 0 51.567509 -0.081319
N16 5NN 16 0 51.567132 -0.081349
N16 5NP 16 0 51.566816 -0.08181
N16 5NQ 23 0 51.568455 -0.083025
N16 5NR 54 0 51.56684 -0.082703
N16 5NS 12 0 51.566686 -0.083749
N16 5NT 16 0 51.56636 -0.083604
N16 5NW 12 0 51.567037 -0.082103
N16 5NX 29 0 51.566182 -0.08426
N16 5PA 29 0 51.566394 -0.081856
N16 5PB 48 0 51.565852 -0.08387
N16 5PD 30 0 51.567717 -0.080819
N16 5PG 22 0 51.568332 -0.081039
N16 5PP 13 0 51.570656 -0.076294
N16 5PQ 24 1 51.569394 -0.081615