all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 5PR 21 0 51.57076 -0.077199
N16 5PT 84 0 51.570403 -0.076781
N16 5PU 29 1 51.570253 -0.074233
N16 5PW 55 1 51.570548 -0.074668
N16 5PX 64 0 51.569844 -0.073977
N16 5PY 43 0 51.569767 -0.07587
N16 5PZ 7 0 51.569887 -0.077683
N16 5QA 20 0 51.569477 -0.076806
N16 5QB 1 1 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 5QD 16 0 51.568806 -0.075925
N16 5QE 16 0 51.569091 -0.075206
N16 5QF 16 0 51.569005 -0.076566
N16 5QG 32 0 51.569459 -0.075191
N16 5QH 38 0 51.568126 -0.075564
N16 5QJ 30 0 51.568115 -0.075983
N16 5QL 30 0 51.568121 -0.076387
N16 5QN 10 0 51.568487 -0.076776
N16 5QP 16 0 51.56888 -0.077163
N16 5QQ 19 0 51.567853 -0.075951
N16 5QR 12 1 51.568732 -0.075236