all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 5TL 15 0 51.569413 -0.073432
N16 5TN 16 0 51.569775 -0.073434
N16 5TP 16 3 51.570985 -0.07338
N16 5TQ 38 0 51.568347 -0.07479
N16 5TR 7 1 51.571641 -0.073352
N16 5TT 44 0 51.565173 -0.073756
N16 5TU 101 3 51.564326 -0.073633
N16 5TW 1 1 51.573175 -0.073085
N16 5TY 44 0 51.569147 -0.073703
N16 5TZ 24 0 51.570192 -0.073284
N16 5UA 68 0 51.565218 -0.086208
N16 5UD 105 0 51.564359 -0.08995
N16 5UE 21 0 51.564332 -0.091596
N16 5UF 55 1 51.565724 -0.090383
N16 5UG 40 0 51.567259 -0.08801
N16 5UH 1 1 51.566681 -0.087876
N16 5UJ 39 0 51.565437 -0.090254
N16 5UL 6 0 51.56482 -0.0912
N16 5UN 89 0 51.564806 -0.089801
N16 5UP 62 0 51.565504 -0.086843