all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 5RU 24 0 51.572892 -0.075565
N16 5RW 12 2 51.571893 -0.073342
N16 5RX 12 0 51.572963 -0.077193
N16 5RY 15 3 51.572959 -0.073109
N16 5SA 63 16 51.566417 -0.075394
N16 5SE 31 0 51.567532 -0.076628
N16 5SG 21 2 51.565591 -0.074026
N16 5SH 20 0 51.565421 -0.074568
N16 5SJ 42 0 51.565192 -0.07488
N16 5SL 12 0 51.564654 -0.074961
N16 5SN 13 0 51.565558 -0.075269
N16 5SP 41 0 51.564412 -0.075057
N16 5SQ 3 0 51.565855 -0.075299
N16 5SR 82 11 51.566027 -0.073607
N16 5SW 39 0 51.565503 -0.075733
N16 5TB 1 1 51.566711 -0.073748
N16 5TE 36 1 51.568434 -0.073546
N16 5TF 38 0 51.56836 -0.073982
N16 5TG 38 0 51.568349 -0.074401
N16 5TH 38 0 51.568264 -0.075241