all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N16 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 0YB 1 1 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 0EN 0 51.561748 -0.078214
N16 0NF 2 0 51.561637 -0.074136
N16 0AQ 43 0 51.566369 -0.080891
N16 0AT 0 51.562108 -0.080955
N16 0BF 1 0 51.563975 -0.086806
N16 0BJ 27 0 51.563245 -0.073898
N16 1AD 0 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 1AG 1 0 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 1AL 1 0 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 1AT 0 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 1AX 1 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 1AY 1 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 1BN 1 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 1BL 0 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 1DX 1 1 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 1EF 1 51.570087 -0.077101
N16 1EN 1 1 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 1EQ 1 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 1ER 1 51.570087 -0.077101