all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 1ET 1 1 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 1FE 1 1 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 1FG 1 0 51.570087 -0.077101
N16 1FH 1 1 51.570085 -0.077127
N16 1FQ 1 51.570087 -0.077101
N16 1FS 1 0 51.570087 -0.077101
N16 1FT 1 1 51.570087 -0.077101
N16 1FW 1 0 51.570087 -0.077101
N16 1FX 1 0 51.570087 -0.077101
N16 1FZ 0 51.570087 -0.077101
N16 5AA 33 10 51.573993 -0.073614
N16 5AD 1 1 51.573987 -0.073282
N16 5AE 1 1 51.574206 -0.074528
N16 5AF 1 1 51.574271 -0.075233
N16 5AG 2 2 51.574444 -0.076859
N16 5AH 40 0 51.574875 -0.078093
N16 5AJ 62 0 51.575089 -0.079066
N16 5AL 50 0 51.575353 -0.081436
N16 5AN 45 1 51.575353 -0.081436
N16 5AP 1 0 51.570085 -0.077127