all postcodes in N17 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N17 0UG 6 6 51.602957 -0.05233
N17 0UN 7 6 51.605414 -0.050149
N17 0UR 24 16 51.602486 -0.050953
N17 0UT 6 6 51.606399 -0.051002
N17 0WP 1 1 51.59386 -0.071604
N17 0XB 1 1 51.600189 -0.05121
N17 0XD 1 0 51.59793 -0.050065
N17 0XE 1 1 51.598597 -0.053527
N17 0XH 42 0 51.605456 -0.056079
N17 0XJ 7 4 51.606719 -0.055779
N17 0XL 18 5 51.606276 -0.057806
N17 0XR 2 2 51.608223 -0.054174
N17 0XY 2 1 51.607549 -0.060182
N17 0YA 26 0 51.600305 -0.065959
N17 0YB 36 0 51.600359 -0.064917
N17 0YD 1 1 51.607385 -0.062196
N17 0YH 45 0 51.603572 -0.053618
N17 0YL 28 12 51.605321 -0.053384
N17 0YU 9 5 51.603265 -0.050718
N17 0YX 21 12 51.606291 -0.059827