all postcodes in N17 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N17 0SX 20 0 51.604001 -0.053441
N17 0SY 18 0 51.604407 -0.057886
N17 0TA 37 4 51.606397 -0.067163
N17 0TB 36 1 51.606402 -0.06544
N17 0TD 18 0 51.606344 -0.064114
N17 0TE 10 0 51.60649 -0.063674
N17 0TF 57 0 51.604807 -0.059789
N17 0TG 8 0 51.606299 -0.063581
N17 0TH 15 0 51.606184 -0.06259
N17 0TJ 8 0 51.606415 -0.061858
N17 0TL 42 0 51.605741 -0.060284
N17 0TP 6 0 51.605622 -0.059581
N17 0TQ 47 0 51.605751 -0.058666
N17 0TS 18 2 51.605616 -0.061372
N17 0TT 17 0 51.605974 -0.064
N17 0TU 34 0 51.605523 -0.064481
N17 0TW 58 0 51.604772 -0.057682
N17 0TX 7 1 51.606019 -0.065124
N17 0TZ 40 0 51.605266 -0.057112
N17 0UB 36 0 51.605899 -0.063295