all postcodes in N19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N19 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N19 3YQ 0 51.571434 -0.123796
N19 3YU 1 51.571444 -0.125007
N19 3YW 0 51.572231 -0.124715
N19 3UW 1 51.566918 -0.133303
N19 3PG 0 51.561239 -0.123941
N19 3DW 7 0 51.568516 -0.126917
N19 3HS 36 2 51.568178 -0.124363
N19 3HL 47 0 51.568526 -0.124175
N19 3TF 25 0 51.5676 -0.135454
N19 3DU 28 0 51.571019 -0.124076
N19 3FA 0 51.568616 -0.124749
N19 3FB 0 51.568964 -0.124576
N19 4AA 0 51.565865 -0.131935
N19 4AD 0 51.565062 -0.125183
N19 4AF 0 51.56496 -0.132315
N19 4AG 23 51.565599 -0.131221
N19 4AH 0 51.565837 -0.130317
N19 4AJ 4 51.565995 -0.131205
N19 4AL 1 51.565316 -0.132448
N19 4AN 0 51.566326 -0.123241