all postcodes in N19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N19 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N19 4EY 0 51.564883 -0.123546
N19 4EZ 0 51.565536 -0.121615
N19 4HD 0 51.563825 -0.119019
N19 4HF 0 51.56502 -0.120323
N19 4HG 0 51.565375 -0.12279
N19 4HH 0 51.564841 -0.120359
N19 4HJ 0 51.564368 -0.120595
N19 4HL 0 51.564152 -0.119813
N19 4HN 4 51.563558 -0.118854
N19 4HR 0 51.565331 -0.123441
N19 4HS 0 51.564993 -0.119761
N19 4HT 8 51.56429 -0.119054
N19 4HU 0 51.565554 -0.123908
N19 4HY 1 51.566768 -0.124435
N19 4HZ 1 51.564209 -0.121323
N19 4JA 1 51.56699 -0.123705
N19 4JD 0 51.565852 -0.122814
N19 4JF 1 51.564356 -0.120942
N19 4JJ 0 51.562491 -0.121293
N19 4JL 0 51.562986 -0.12133