all postcodes in N19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N19 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N19 4RN 0 51.55963 -0.127383
N19 4RP 0 51.560321 -0.130517
N19 4RR 2 51.560057 -0.131622
N19 4RS 2 51.561131 -0.12963
N19 4RT 0 51.560682 -0.127412
N19 4RU 13 51.561389 -0.126575
N19 4RW 0 51.560638 -0.129145
N19 4RX 0 51.560706 -0.129431
N19 4RY 0 51.561223 -0.126351
N19 4RZ 3 51.561102 -0.12663
N19 4SA 0 51.565171 -0.121312
N19 4SB 0 51.565302 -0.12161
N19 4SY 0 51.562326 -0.130129
N19 4SZ 0 51.562584 -0.130479
N19 4TA 0 51.565414 -0.119657
N19 4TB 0 51.565402 -0.11947
N19 4TT 1 51.565921 -0.122089
N19 4XA 1 51.566183 -0.121432
N19 4YQ 1 51.566183 -0.121432
N19 4WQ 0 51.566183 -0.121432