all postcodes in N19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N19 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N19 4RG 0 51.561928 -0.126397
N19 4QJ 6 0 51.569738 -0.123306
N19 4AR 0 51.566689 -0.130224
N19 4AB 3 51.56561 -0.131885
N19 4NL 15 0 51.566988 -0.122449
N19 4AS 85 0 51.566307 -0.129908
N19 4AU 5 0 51.561481 -0.125391
N19 4BF 0 51.560916 -0.12684
N19 4BJ 8 0 51.56642 -0.124423
N19 4BG 0 51.560786 -0.126949
N19 4BX 4 0 51.565007 -0.123818
N19 5AA 5 51.556321 -0.138151
N19 5AB 0 51.55509 -0.13709
N19 5AD 0 51.554526 -0.135556
N19 5AE 0 51.553578 -0.134743
N19 5AH 1 51.552769 -0.134199
N19 5AJ 0 51.553003 -0.133065
N19 5AL 0 51.553314 -0.132287
N19 5AN 0 51.553682 -0.132792
N19 5AP 0 51.553272 -0.132477