all postcodes in N1C / LONDON

find any address or company within the N1C postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1C 4AU 2 2 51.540383 -0.124929
N1C 4BE 1 1 51.540597 -0.125958
N1C 4UZ 1 0 51.536814 -0.124877
N1C 4PW 1 51.535581 -0.127736
N1C 4PN 1 51.535926 -0.128501
N1C 4PL 0 51.53598 -0.127936
N1C 4PG 10 51.541906 -0.13137
N1C 4PD 11 51.540469 -0.13074
N1C 4BU 2 51.53348 -0.124999
N1C 4QP 5 51.53143 -0.126122
N1C 4QL 31 51.531428 -0.126147
N1C 4PF 5 51.537812 -0.130658
N1C 4AP 29 51.53238 -0.123297
N1C 4AX 8 51.532382 -0.123271
N1C 4PP 1 51.535924 -0.130087
N1C 4AA 5 2 51.536479 -0.124296
N1C 4UR 5 4 51.534583 -0.124247
N1C 4BL 1 1 51.53162 -0.122449
N1C 4AB 10 51.536507 -0.125336
N1C 4AE 1 51.538456 -0.123483