all postcodes in N3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N3 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N3 1TG 18 0 51.601351 -0.206589
N3 1TH 33 0 51.601625 -0.206895
N3 1TJ 21 0 51.598572 -0.20716
N3 1TL 28 0 51.598668 -0.208153
N3 1TN 1 0 51.601389 -0.195006
N3 1TP 18 0 51.600143 -0.198525
N3 1TQ 2 0 51.602461 -0.206028
N3 1TR 44 12 51.600059 -0.196593
N3 1TS 24 0 51.599645 -0.198555
N3 1TT 39 7 51.598748 -0.199071
N3 1TU 4 0 51.599148 -0.198766
N3 1TW 8 0 51.600926 -0.201176
N3 1TX 18 0 51.599752 -0.20024
N3 1TY 9 0 51.600138 -0.200546
N3 1UA 8 0 51.599646 -0.199191
N3 1UB 15 0 51.600901 -0.203083
N3 1UD 18 0 51.600051 -0.201586
N3 1UE 24 2 51.599562 -0.203107
N3 1UF 4 0 51.599807 -0.203834
N3 1UG 10 0 51.599729 -0.202035