all postcodes in N3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N3 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N3 1SE 10 0 51.597576 -0.202045
N3 1SF 6 0 51.59802 -0.199284
N3 1SG 4 0 51.597487 -0.200908
N3 1SH 31 0 51.597002 -0.20097
N3 1SJ 6 0 51.596742 -0.202193
N3 1SL 7 1 51.597102 -0.2028
N3 1SN 70 0 51.597906 -0.203955
N3 1SP 25 0 51.598446 -0.205981
N3 1SQ 24 0 51.597966 -0.199636
N3 1SR 5 0 51.597693 -0.206718
N3 1SS 29 0 51.597255 -0.205497
N3 1ST 30 0 51.597518 -0.204718
N3 1SU 12 0 51.597314 -0.201091
N3 1SW 6 0 51.598256 -0.203913
N3 1SX 7 0 51.598283 -0.200602
N3 1SY 7 0 51.598179 -0.200866
N3 1TA 34 0 51.602653 -0.202927
N3 1TB 18 0 51.602992 -0.2016
N3 1TD 31 2 51.601691 -0.20412
N3 1TE 15 0 51.601174 -0.205585