all postcodes in N3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N3 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N3 1JS 8 0 51.604202 -0.195288
N3 1LB 29 0 51.608768 -0.183438
N3 1LD 18 1 51.604848 -0.189905
N3 1LG 19 1 51.605504 -0.191276
N3 1LH 19 2 51.605258 -0.189928
N3 1LJ 37 17 51.605113 -0.188692
N3 1LL 1 1 51.606038 -0.187414
N3 1LP 36 9 51.60597 -0.187434
N3 1LS 8 3 51.606795 -0.187499
N3 1LT 6 0 51.607028 -0.187854
N3 1LU 32 0 51.607057 -0.187026
N3 1LX 3 0 51.607229 -0.187427
N3 1LY 24 2 51.606744 -0.186306
N3 1LZ 1 1 51.606208 -0.187165
N3 1NA 51 0 51.607288 -0.186602
N3 1NB 8 1 51.607103 -0.185728
N3 1ND 38 1 51.608696 -0.186586
N3 1NE 20 0 51.609008 -0.186429
N3 1NF 16 0 51.608545 -0.183819
N3 1NG 34 0 51.60913 -0.182654