all postcodes in N3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N3 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N3 1NH 55 0 51.60844 -0.185152
N3 1NJ 42 0 51.608573 -0.184482
N3 1NL 27 0 51.607693 -0.18491
N3 1NP 12 0 51.610852 -0.187399
N3 1NR 3 2 51.610667 -0.186511
N3 1NS 2 0 51.61115 -0.18691
N3 1NT 21 5 51.609253 -0.188917
N3 1NX 17 1 51.608422 -0.189254
N3 1NY 11 0 51.608737 -0.189819
N3 1PA 37 0 51.607157 -0.190618
N3 1PB 29 1 51.607494 -0.190879
N3 1PD 34 1 51.607674 -0.191251
N3 1PE 20 0 51.607917 -0.191834
N3 1PG 13 0 51.608907 -0.19039
N3 1PH 13 0 51.609232 -0.192789
N3 1PJ 28 0 51.609941 -0.191504
N3 1PL 24 0 51.610297 -0.191273
N3 1PN 5 0 51.611704 -0.193918
N3 1PP 3 0 51.612005 -0.19356
N3 1PQ 12 0 51.60804 -0.191641