all postcodes in N3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N3 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N3 1PR 27 0 51.611522 -0.19199
N3 1PS 29 0 51.610747 -0.19075
N3 1PT 24 0 51.611074 -0.190376
N3 1PU 14 0 51.610403 -0.189435
N3 1PW 3 0 51.608866 -0.192385
N3 1PX 18 0 51.610147 -0.189113
N3 1PZ 1 1 51.59966 -0.196605
N3 1QA 1 1 51.602488 -0.193389
N3 1QB 20 20 51.602496 -0.193331
N3 1QF 7 6 51.602764 -0.192977
N3 1QG 2 2 51.602288 -0.193617
N3 1QH 12 0 51.602427 -0.193871
N3 1QJ 24 1 51.603815 -0.193498
N3 1QL 21 0 51.604092 -0.192188
N3 1QN 25 3 51.604176 -0.191459
N3 1QP 14 0 51.604883 -0.191243
N3 1QQ 54 0 51.602851 -0.194197
N3 1QR 60 2 51.604538 -0.190419
N3 1QS 19 0 51.604892 -0.191849
N3 1QT 64 1 51.603976 -0.193983