all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 2HE 43 6 51.569777 -0.094643
N4 2HH 23 0 51.565532 -0.099048
N4 2HJ 27 0 51.565413 -0.098361
N4 2HL 51 0 51.564338 -0.098651
N4 2HN 50 0 51.564829 -0.098414
N4 2HP 59 0 51.563269 -0.0948
N4 2HQ 1 1 51.565069 -0.099313
N4 2HR 63 0 51.563472 -0.095138
N4 2HS 105 0 51.563791 -0.094821
N4 2HU 19 1 51.563885 -0.105667
N4 2HW 63 1 51.563506 -0.097243
N4 2HX 5 4 51.563406 -0.10696
N4 2HY 64 14 51.564126 -0.104979
N4 2XA 1 1 51.564022 -0.105229
N4 2HZ 1 1 51.564089 -0.105442
N4 2JE 5 3 51.564652 -0.104106
N4 2JF 91 21 51.56408 -0.103036
N4 2JJ 46 0 51.56377 -0.101892
N4 2JL 17 0 51.564597 -0.100533
N4 2JN 49 0 51.563522 -0.101527