all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 2JS 57 13 51.561267 -0.098753
N4 2JT 45 0 51.561412 -0.098383
N4 2JU 54 0 51.561583 -0.097886
N4 2JW 131 14 51.562352 -0.100393
N4 2JX 74 0 51.562573 -0.10011
N4 2JY 105 0 51.56281 -0.099782
N4 2JZ 30 0 51.564373 -0.102808
N4 2LA 58 0 51.564738 -0.102761
N4 2LE 98 2 51.566308 -0.098499
N4 2LF 88 0 51.567004 -0.09776
N4 2LG 64 0 51.567568 -0.098718
N4 2LH 48 1 51.567611 -0.096379
N4 2LJ 52 0 51.566857 -0.095764
N4 2LL 24 0 51.566515 -0.09478
N4 2LN 127 0 51.566248 -0.097016
N4 2LQ 81 0 51.567277 -0.097247
N4 2LR 29 0 51.565594 -0.102321
N4 2LS 40 0 51.565594 -0.102321
N4 2LU 11 0 51.568241 -0.098098
N4 2LW 54 0 51.565778 -0.099832