all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N4 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 3LE 10 0 51.565103 -0.114851
N4 3LF 3 0 51.565016 -0.115013
N4 3LG 120 0 51.565745 -0.112776
N4 3LJ 78 0 51.56434 -0.116585
N4 3LL 4 3 51.564732 -0.118618
N4 3LN 57 0 51.565149 -0.118589
N4 3LP 69 0 51.565511 -0.118398
N4 3LQ 98 0 51.563984 -0.116603
N4 3LR 7 0 51.567119 -0.117726
N4 3LS 1 1 51.567524 -0.11553
N4 3LW 29 0 51.56467 -0.117567
N4 3LZ 24 1 51.566327 -0.116027
N4 3NE 4 0 51.563103 -0.109018
N4 3NG 49 17 51.563035 -0.108675
N4 3NH 71 0 51.563752 -0.109669
N4 3NJ 2 0 51.565792 -0.112199
N4 3NL 20 0 51.565608 -0.111526
N4 3NN 36 0 51.565337 -0.112605
N4 3NR 17 0 51.565597 -0.110877
N4 3NS 35 9 51.562539 -0.110254