all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N4 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 3NT 84 0 51.561264 -0.109845
N4 3NU 70 1 51.561573 -0.109457
N4 3NW 1 1 51.564919 -0.112334
N4 3NX 89 19 51.562388 -0.10925
N4 3NY 56 0 51.562015 -0.109035
N4 3PA 36 0 51.564417 -0.111864
N4 3PB 40 0 51.564645 -0.111479
N4 3PD 20 0 51.563856 -0.111122
N4 3PE 29 0 51.563205 -0.110875
N4 3PF 20 0 51.562774 -0.110936
N4 3PG 50 0 51.563332 -0.111476
N4 3PH 19 0 51.56328 -0.109386
N4 3PJ 78 0 51.564011 -0.110669
N4 3PN 5 0 51.562733 -0.110015
N4 3PP 92 0 51.569425 -0.114052
N4 3PQ 20 0 51.564395 -0.111042
N4 3PR 42 0 51.568491 -0.11246
N4 3PS 12 0 51.570032 -0.115426
N4 3PT 95 1 51.568996 -0.114
N4 3PU 12 0 51.569774 -0.115625