all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N4 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 4BY 98 1 51.57217 -0.118657
N4 4DA 24 0 51.56929 -0.108459
N4 4DD 30 0 51.570285 -0.10885
N4 4DH 6 0 51.571145 -0.108627
N4 4DJ 64 0 51.571612 -0.109491
N4 4DL 64 0 51.572355 -0.110975
N4 4DP 42 0 51.571854 -0.110733
N4 4DR 8 0 51.572332 -0.11194
N4 4DS 38 8 51.573856 -0.112815
N4 4DT 8 2 51.573856 -0.113334
N4 4DX 40 0 51.574098 -0.114436
N4 4EA 25 0 51.574441 -0.114508
N4 4EB 64 0 51.574721 -0.113486
N4 4ED 125 3 51.574912 -0.113016
N4 4EE 1 0 51.560837 -0.131246
N4 4EF 12 0 51.574833 -0.114091
N4 4EH 21 0 51.57428 -0.112136
N4 4EJ 25 0 51.575264 -0.11202
N4 4EL 42 1 51.5755 -0.111549
N4 4EP 17 0 51.576362 -0.112062