all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N4 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 4ER 9 0 51.573175 -0.119669
N4 4EU 44 1 51.573388 -0.118711
N4 4EX 18 0 51.573591 -0.116462
N4 4HA 23 0 51.574278 -0.116679
N4 4HB 15 0 51.574792 -0.117293
N4 4HD 22 0 51.573437 -0.115285
N4 4HH 44 0 51.57311 -0.115631
N4 4HJ 17 1 51.573039 -0.11458
N4 4HL 13 0 51.572506 -0.113823
N4 4HP 47 2 51.571738 -0.114764
N4 4HR 12 0 51.571047 -0.11537
N4 4HX 64 0 51.576221 -0.113323
N4 4JA 32 0 51.576523 -0.113657
N4 4JB 3 0 51.576988 -0.112411
N4 4JD 17 0 51.576671 -0.112843
N4 4JH 51 0 51.576985 -0.111069
N4 4JJ 6 0 51.576822 -0.112144
N4 4JL 24 0 51.576375 -0.111758
N4 4JP 8 0 51.576547 -0.111275
N4 4JR 11 0 51.576832 -0.110313