all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N4 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 4JS 1 0 51.577692 -0.109741
N4 4JT 32 0 51.578005 -0.108559
N4 4JU 12 0 51.577927 -0.108749
N4 4JX 28 0 51.577644 -0.108429
N4 4LA 9 0 51.577277 -0.109152
N4 4LB 57 0 51.576377 -0.108539
N4 4LD 11 0 51.576469 -0.1092
N4 4LH 6 0 51.575858 -0.108662
N4 4LP 23 0 51.571447 -0.10765
N4 4LR 5 0 51.571603 -0.107468
N4 4LS 13 0 51.571257 -0.107222
N4 4LT 22 0 51.570671 -0.106525
N4 4LX 27 0 51.571017 -0.106237
N4 4NA 8 0 51.571456 -0.106175
N4 4NB 46 0 51.571928 -0.10643
N4 4ND 55 0 51.572186 -0.106823
N4 4NH 27 0 51.573101 -0.10667
N4 4NJ 57 0 51.572875 -0.107155
N4 4NL 47 0 51.573447 -0.106367
N4 4NP 20 0 51.573774 -0.107118