all postcodes in N6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N6 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N6 4HJ 28 0 51.57606 -0.149568
N6 4HL 8 0 51.575695 -0.150377
N6 4HP 65 0 51.577334 -0.149765
N6 4HT 46 0 51.579525 -0.151812
N6 4HU 5 0 51.579111 -0.150873
N6 4HX 24 2 51.580427 -0.153894
N6 4JA 1 1 51.580526 -0.154511
N6 4JD 1 1 51.580452 -0.153001
N6 4JH 47 2 51.578725 -0.149186
N6 4JJ 5 0 51.576813 -0.14883
N6 4JP 9 0 51.576565 -0.161079
N6 4JR 10 0 51.576206 -0.160559
N6 4JS 16 0 51.574668 -0.163407
N6 4JT 15 0 51.574336 -0.162843
N6 4JU 11 0 51.572416 -0.165262
N6 4LA 2 0 51.572799 -0.163861
N6 4LB 9 0 51.573894 -0.165112
N6 4LH 8 0 51.573907 -0.16592
N6 4LL 6 0 51.573267 -0.166364
N6 4LP 8 0 51.574632 -0.167799