all postcodes in N6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N6 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N6 4LR 13 0 51.57537 -0.168646
N6 4LS 4 0 51.582536 -0.157099
N6 4LT 40 0 51.584247 -0.160653
N6 4LU 34 1 51.583601 -0.159441
N6 4LX 30 0 51.582294 -0.157095
N6 4LY 23 0 51.582987 -0.15776
N6 4LZ 1 1 51.566183 -0.121432
N6 4NA 39 4 51.581684 -0.155867
N6 4NB 19 0 51.579637 -0.157982
N6 4ND 12 1 51.57873 -0.158625
N6 4NH 12 0 51.578982 -0.159206
N6 4NJ 45 0 51.580713 -0.158201
N6 4NL 12 0 51.574107 -0.161467
N6 4NP 10 0 51.575862 -0.159808
N6 4NR 9 0 51.575618 -0.159212
N6 4NS 15 0 51.573865 -0.160914
N6 4NT 2 0 51.572834 -0.162662
N6 4NU 1 0 51.57249 -0.162138
N6 4NX 3 0 51.573101 -0.160353
N6 4NY 28 1 51.574223 -0.157984